I’m Susanoo! Introducing the God of Storms and Seas 俺、スサノオ!嵐と海の神が語る自己紹介とQ&A

スサノオ: Susanoo






Hey everyone! I’m Susanoo. In Japanese mythology, I’m known as the god of storms and seas, famous for my free spirit!
My dad is Izanagi, my mom is Izanami. My sister, Amaterasu, is the sun goddess and super serious, while my brother, Tsukuyomi, is the moon god—cool and mysterious.
What about me? I’m a bit rough around the edges but fiery at heart. Born in Takamagahara, I love adventuring all over the place!

My claim to fame? Defeating the eight-headed serpent, Yamata no Orochi, and marrying Kushinadahime. Pretty epic, right?

Q: 好きな場所は?

A: 海のそばだな~。波の音が落ち着くし、嵐が起きると燃えるぜ!

A: By the sea. The sound of waves is calming, and storms get me fired up!

Q: 好きな食べ物は?

A: 新鮮な魚だな~!特に刺身とか最高だぜ!

A: Fresh fish! Especially sashimi—it’s the best!

Q: 好きな色は?

A: 青だな。海と空の色だから、見てるだけで元気になるぜ!

A: Blue. It’s the color of the sea and sky—it energizes me just by looking at it!

Q: 好きな動物は?

A: 龍だな。嵐と強さを象徴する存在で、めっちゃカッコイイと思う!

A: Dragons. They symbolize storms and strength—I think they’re super cool!

Q: ファンへ一言

A: お前らの応援が俺を強くする!これからも一緒に楽しもうぜ!

A: Your support makes me stronger! Let’s keep having fun together!

