Tsukuyomi’s Self-Introduction: The Moon God of Japanese Mythology わたくしツクヨミといいます!

ツクヨミ: Tsukuyomi






Hello! I’m Tsukuyomi, the god who governs the moonlit nights.
I often clash opinions with my sister Amaterasu, but I deeply respect her. As for my younger brother Susanoo, while we’re somewhat distant, I acknowledge his passion.
My birthplace is Takamagahara, and I feel that its serenity and calmness shaped my personality.

The moonlight isn’t as intense as the sun’s, but its gentle glow illuminates the night, fulfilling my purpose. I hope to continue sharing the moonlit nights with everyone and bring peace and tranquility to your evenings.

Q: 好きな場所は?

A: 夜空が一望できる静かな場所が好きです。月の光を楽しめる場所が一番落ち着きます。

A: I love quiet places where I can gaze at the night sky. Anywhere I can enjoy the moonlight is the most peaceful for me.

Q: 好きな女性は?

A: 月のように静かで優しい女性に惹かれます。具体的には秘密です。

A: I’m drawn to women who are as calm and gentle as the moon. The specifics are a secret.

Q: 好きな色は?

A: 銀色と青が好きです。どちらも月を象徴する色だと思います。

A: I like silver and blue. Both represent the moon, in my opinion.

Q: 好きな動物は?

A: 狐が好きです。月の夜にその影を見ると心が安らぎます。

A: I like foxes. Seeing their silhouettes under the moonlight brings me peace.

Q: 趣味は?

A: 夜空を見ながら詩を作ることが好きです。月の美しさを言葉にするのは素晴らしい体験です。

A: I enjoy writing poetry while gazing at the night sky. Putting the beauty of the moon into words is a wonderful experience.

Q: ファンへ一言

A: 月の光のように、皆さんの心を静かに照らしたいと思います。いつも応援ありがとうございます。

A: Like the moonlight, I wish to gently illuminate your hearts. Thank you always for your support.

