Self-Introduction of Ame no Minakanushi | Discover the Mysteries of Creation アメノミナカヌシの自己紹介 | 天地創造の神秘に触れる








Hello! I am “Ame no Minakanushi,” the first god to appear at the beginning of heaven and earth.
Emerging from chaos, I took on the role of bringing harmony and order to this world.
In the serene realm of “Takamagahara,” I quietly oversee and balance the energies of the cosmos to ensure the world’s stability.

When I was born, everything was incomplete and chaotic. Yet, I calmly organized the energy, paving the way for other gods to be born.
One of my proudest moments was watching Izanagi and Izanami create the land of Japan. I supported and guided them as they grew into their roles.

While I may not be a prominent figure, I constantly pray and support this world to keep it peaceful.
Seeing the gods and people of this realm living happily is my greatest joy.

Q: 好きな場所は?

A: やっぱり「高天原」ですね。そこは神々の集う神聖な場所で、調和が満ち溢れています。

A: My favorite place is “Takamagahara.” It’s the sacred gathering place of the gods, full of harmony and serenity.

Q: 好きな食べ物は?

A: 高天原で採れる蜜のように甘い果実が大好きです。

A: I love the sweet, honey-like fruits harvested in Takamagahara.

Q: 好きな色は?

A: 青と金が好きです。青は調和を、金は神聖さを象徴しています。

A: I love blue and gold. Blue represents harmony, and gold symbolizes divinity.

Q: 好きな生き物は?

A: 鶴のように優雅で長寿を象徴する生き物が好きです。

A: I love creatures like cranes, which symbolize grace and longevity.

Q: 普段は何をしているか?

A: 宇宙のエネルギーを観察しながら、調和を保つための働きをしています。

A: I observe the energy of the cosmos and work to maintain harmony in the world.

Q: ファンへ一言

A: 調和を忘れず、皆さんと一緒に平和な世界を築いていきたいです。いつも応援ありがとうございます!

A: Let’s build a peaceful world together, always remembering the importance of harmony. Thank you for your continuous support!

