







Hi there! My name is Yamasachihiko, also known as Hoori no Mikoto.
My father is Ninigi no Mikoto, known for his descent from heaven, and my mother is the beautiful flower goddess Konohanasakuya-hime.
I’m famous for my story with my older brother Umisachihiko. After losing his fishing hook, I dove into the ocean to retrieve it, where I met Princess Toyotama of the Dragon Palace. We fell in love and got married.
Together, we had a son named Ugayafukiaezu, whose descendants are connected to Japan’s imperial family.

My story is closely linked to Kagoshima’s Kirishima City and Miyazaki’s Takachiho Town. Takachiho Peak is especially significant, as it is the site of the divine descent from heaven. These places hold deep meaning for me even now.

Q: 好きな人は?

A: 妻のトヨタマヒメです。彼女は美しく、心の優しい人です。

A: My wife, Princess Toyotama. She is beautiful and kind-hearted.

Q: 嫌いな人は?

A: 兄の海幸彦との喧嘩は少し後悔していますが、今は和解しています。

A: I regretted fighting with my brother Umisachihiko, but we have reconciled now.

Q: 好きな生き物は?

A: 山の鹿と海の魚、どちらも素晴らしいと思います。

A: I love mountain deer and sea fish. Both are amazing creatures.

Q: 最後に見たい景色は?

A: 高千穂の美しい山々と霧島の大地です。

A: The beautiful mountains of Takachiho and the land of Kirishima.

Q: 好きな言葉は?

A: 「自然と共に生きる」。山や海の力を大切にしています。

A: “Living in harmony with nature.” I cherish the power of the mountains and the sea.

Q: 嫌いな言葉は?

A: 「争い」。兄との喧嘩を通じて、争いが無益であると学びました。

A: “Conflict.” I learned through my fight with my brother that conflict is meaningless.

Q: 戻れるならいつに戻りたい?

A: トヨタマヒメと出会った竜宮の海底に戻りたいです。

A: I would like to return to the underwater Dragon Palace where I met Princess Toyotama.

Q: 好きな色は?

A: 青と緑。山と海を象徴する色で大好きです。

A: Blue and green. They symbolize the mountains and the sea, and I love them.

Q: 夜に思い浮かぶ景色は?

A: 高千穂の星空。神々の歴史を思い出します。

A: The starry sky of Takachiho. It reminds me of the history of the gods.

Q: 一番会いたい人は?

A: トヨタマヒメ。彼女と過ごした時間が今でも心の支えです。

A: Princess Toyotama. The time I spent with her still supports my heart.

Q: ファンへ一言

A: これからも自然を大切に、山や海を楽しんでくださいね!

A: Please continue cherishing nature and enjoy the mountains and the sea!

