







Hello, I’m Miyazu-hime. In Japanese mythology, I’m known as the wife of Yamato Takeru, but I also played a significant role.
My parents were the leaders of a mountain village in present-day Aichi Prefecture. They cherished a lifestyle in harmony with nature, and I grew up learning respect for the natural world.
I met Yamato Takeru when he visited our village during his journey. His courage and charisma captivated the villagers, and I, too, fell for him.
After our marriage, he faced many battles, and I constantly prayed for his safety.

The time I spent with our children was the happiest moment of my life. I’m proud that they grew up with the strength and kindness inherited from their father.
One of the places tied to our story is the Ise region in Mie Prefecture, where our love blossomed. It remains a place of special memories for me.
Through Japanese mythology, I hope to continue sharing the message of peace and love.

Q: 両親の思い出は?

A: 母の優しさと父の知恵は、私の人生の道しるべでした。

A: My mother’s kindness and my father’s wisdom have always guided my path in life.

Q: ヤマトタケルとのなれそめは?

A: 彼が旅で訪れた際、村で出会いました。彼の優しさに心を奪われました。

A: We met when he visited my village during his journey. I was captivated by his kindness.

Q: 子供たちに一言?

A: 強く優しい心を持ち続けてほしい。あなたたちは私の誇りです。

A: Keep your strong and kind hearts. You are my pride and joy.

Q: 思い出の場所は?

A: 伊勢地方の静かな森です。愛と平和を感じる場所です。

A: The quiet forests of the Ise region. It’s a place where I feel love and peace.

Q: ヤマトタケルの好きなところは?

A: 彼の勇気と優しさは本当に素晴らしいです。強いだけでなく、周囲の人々を思いやる姿に惹かれます。

A: His courage and kindness are truly remarkable. I’m drawn to his strength and the way he cares for those around him.

Q: ヤマトタケルの他の妻に一言?

A: それぞれの愛が彼を支えていると思います。共に彼を見守りましょう。

A: I believe each of our love supports him. Let’s continue to watch over him together.

Q: 自分の性格を一言でいうと?

A: 穏やかで忍耐強いと思います。でも、時々意外と頑固かも。

A: I’d say I’m calm and patient. But I can be surprisingly stubborn at times.

Q: 好きな言葉は?

A: 「調和」ですね。人々が平和に共存することが何より大切だと思います。

A: “Harmony.” I believe peaceful coexistence is the most important thing.

Q: 嫌いな言葉は?

A: 「裏切り」です。信頼を大切にしているので、裏切りは許せません。

A: “Betrayal.” I value trust, so betrayal is unacceptable to me.

Q: 自分の好きなところと嫌いなところは?

A: 好きなところは、忍耐強さ。嫌いなところは、時々気が弱くなることです。

A: I like my patience. I dislike how I sometimes lack confidence.

Q: ファンへ一言

A: 日本神話の美しさを心に留め、調和を大切にした毎日を送ってください。

A: Embrace the beauty of Japanese mythology and live each day with harmony in your heart.

