I’m Umisachihiko – The God of the Sea in Japanese Mythology 海幸彦(うみさちひこ)の自己紹介









Hello! I’m Umisachihiko, also known as Hoderi no Mikoto.
I’m recognized as the god symbolizing fishing and the bounties of the sea, famous for my story with my brother Yamasachihiko (Hoori no Mikoto).
My main domain is the sea, particularly around the southern parts of Kagoshima Prefecture, near the Kirishima mountain range in modern-day Japan. The story about exchanging my fishing hook for his bow and arrows has become a legendary tale. Though I felt anger and mistrust when he lost my hook, we eventually reconciled.

My father is Ninigi no Mikoto, and my mother is Konohanasakuya-hime.
My father descended from the heavens to earth, married my mother, and together, they brought us siblings into the world. We play a vital role in shaping Japan’s nature and culture.

My role is to bring the blessings of the sea to enrich people’s lives. From the age of mythology to today, I stand as a symbol of the significance of fishing and the ocean.

Q: 好きな人は?

A: 家族全員大好きです。でも、弟の山幸彦には特別な愛憎関係がありますね。

A: I love all my family members. But I have a special love-hate relationship with my brother Yamasachihiko.

Q: 嫌いな人は?

A: 嘘をつく人や約束を守らない人は嫌いです。

A: I dislike people who lie or break their promises.

Q: 好きな食べ物は?

A: 新鮮な海の幸、特に鯛(たい)や貝類が大好きです。

A: Fresh seafood, especially sea bream and shellfish, are my favorites.

Q: 趣味は?

A: 海釣りや潮干狩りが趣味です。

A: My hobbies are fishing and clam digging.

Q: 好きな場所は?

A: やはり広い海ですね。特に鹿児島の南方の海域が大好きです。

A: Definitely the vast ocean. I especially love the southern seas of Kagoshima.

Q: 好きな言葉は?

A: 「努力は必ず実を結ぶ」。どんな時もあきらめないことが大切だと思っています。

A: “Hard work always pays off.” I believe it’s important to never give up.

Q: 嫌いな言葉は?

A: 「不可能」。何事も挑戦する心が大切です。

A: “Impossible.” I think it’s essential to have a spirit of challenge.

Q: 好きな色は?

A: 青と白。海と波を象徴する色ですね。

A: Blue and white. They symbolize the sea and waves.

Q: 好きな生き物は?

A: イルカです。海で自由に泳ぐ姿を見ると癒されます。

A: Dolphins. Watching them swim freely in the ocean is soothing.

Q: 最後に見たい景色は?

A: 美しい夕日が海に沈む瞬間です。それが私にとって永遠の癒しです。

A: The moment the beautiful sunset sinks into the sea. It’s eternal serenity for me.

Q: ファンへ一言

A: いつも応援ありがとう!海の魅力を忘れず、これからも楽しんでいこう!

A: Thank you for your support! Never forget the wonders of the sea and keep enjoying life!

