世界の神話との比較 Hinduism and Japanese Mythology: Similarities and Differences. ヒンドゥー教と日本神話の共通点と違いは? Explore the profound similarities and differences between Hinduism and Japanese mythology through nature, gods, and culture. 2024.12.07 世界の神話との比較
日本神話の基礎 What Japanese Myths Teach Us About Ancient Nature 日本神話が語る古代日本の自然観 Discover the ancient Japanese worldview through mythology, where nature itself became the gods. Learn how mountains, rivers, and seas were seen as sacred. 日本神話が語る古代日本の自然観を解説。山や川、海など自然の中に神が宿ると考えた古代人の世界観をわかりやすく紹介します。 2024.12.07 日本神話の基礎神話の起源