
エピソード2-2: 火の神カグツチの誕生と悲劇 :Episode 2-2 The Birth of Kagutsuchi, the God of Fire, and Tragedy

日本の神話を紙芝居で! 第2-2章:神々の誕生と悲劇の始まり The Heartbreaking Myth of Izanagi and Izanami: The Birth of Gods and the Journey to Yomi

Explore the moving story of Izanagi and Izanami, the creators of Japan, as they give birth to nature's gods and face heartbreaking trials. Discover how their love and loss shaped the mythical origins of the world.
エピソード2-1: 日本列島の誕生:淡路島から九州まで . Episode 2-1: The Birth of the Japanese Archipelago: From Awaji to Kyushu

日本の神話を紙芝居で! 第2-1章:イザナギとイザナミの出会いと使命 The Birth of Japan: How Izanagi and Izanami Created the Land and Shaped the World

Discover the captivating story of Izanagi and Izanami, the divine creators of Japan, as they shape the islands, breathe life into the land, and embark on a mission to create a flourishing world. Perfect for mythology enthusiasts and curious readers!

How Do Chinese and Japanese Myths Describe the Creation of Humans? 中国神話と日本神話の共通点と違いは?

Explore the creation of humans in Chinese and Japanese mythology, comparing the roles of Nüwa and Izanagi-Izanami. 中国神話と日本神話の人間誕生の物語を比較し、それぞれの文化的背景を探ります。女媧とイザナギ・イザナミの役割に注目。

The Creation of Japan’s Land by Izanagi and Izanami イザナギとイザナミが創った日本の大地

Learn about Izanagi and Izanami’s role in Japanese mythology. Discover how they created the Japanese islands and the cultural significance of their myth. 日本神話におけるイザナギとイザナミの役割を解説。彼らがどのように日本列島を創造し、その神話が現代文化にどのような影響を与えたのかを詳しく紹介します。

Where Did Japanese Myths Begin? The Tale of the Gods 日本神話の起源:神々の物語はどこから始まったのか?  

Curious about the origins of Japanese mythology? Discover the tales of creation from Kojiki and Nihon Shoki, explained in simple words for everyone 日本神話の始まりを知っていますか?古事記と日本書紀に記録された天地開闢、イザナギとイザナミの物語を小学生でもわかる言葉で解説します。