日本の神話を紙芝居で! 第4-4章:ヤガミヒメの愛とスセリヒメの愛 ”Yagamihime’s Decision: The Strength to Let Go”
"Explore the emotional story of Yagamihime as she makes the ultimate sacrifice for love, stepping aside to let Ōkuninushi and Suserihime build a future together. A tale of courage, love, and inner strength."
エピソード4-4: オオクニヌシとヤガミヒメとスセリヒメ Episode 4-4: Ōkuninushi, Yagami-hime, and Suseri-hime第4章:国譲りの物語 Chapter 4: The Tale of Nation Transfer親子で楽しむ!日本神話の全てがわかる紙芝居!!"Fun for the Whole Family! Discover All About Japanese Myths with Kamishibai!!"