日本の神話を紙芝居で! 第2-2章:神々の誕生と悲劇の始まり The Heartbreaking Myth of Izanagi and Izanami: The Birth of Gods and the Journey to Yomi
Explore the moving story of Izanagi and Izanami, the creators of Japan, as they give birth to nature's gods and face heartbreaking trials. Discover how their love and loss shaped the mythical origins of the world.
エピソード2-2: 火の神カグツチの誕生と悲劇 :Episode 2-2 The Birth of Kagutsuchi, the God of Fire, and Tragedy第2章:イザナギとイザナミの出会いと国生み Chapter 2: The Encounter of Izanagi and Izanami and the Creation of the Land親子で楽しむ!日本神話の全てがわかる紙芝居!!"Fun for the Whole Family! Discover All About Japanese Myths with Kamishibai!!"