Mythological Stories

エピソード4-1: 因幡の白兎とオオクニヌシの話 :Episode 4-1: The Tale of the White Rabbit and Okuninushi

日本の神話を紙芝居で! 第4-1章:国譲りの物語:因幡の白兎とオオクニヌシ:愛の始まり Ōkuninushi’s Journey of Trials: A Tale of Jealousy, Courage, and Destiny

Follow the tale of Ōkuninushi as he embarks on a dangerous journey to Ne-no-Katasu, facing trials set by his jealous brothers. Will he overcome the challenges and prove his worth?
エピソード2-3: 黄泉の国への旅:イザナギとイザナミの別れ :Episode 2-3: The Journey to Yomi: Izanagi and Izanami’s Farewell

日本の神話を紙芝居で! 第2-3章:黄泉の国への旅:イザナギとイザナミの別れ The Heartbreaking Promise Between Izanagi and Izanami: A Tale of Eternal Love and Sacrifice

Explore the poignant tale of Izanagi and Izanami from Japanese mythology, where love and duty collide in a tragic farewell. Discover their eternal bond and the promise that shaped the cycle of life and death.