


Discover Kamimusubi, one of the Three Divine Creators in Japanese mythology. Learn about this god's role in creation, harmony, and connection with nature, along with personal likes and messages for fans.
エピソード3-3: スサノオの追放とヤマタノオロチ退治

日本の神話を紙芝居で! 第3-3章:スサノオの追放とヤマタノオロチ退治 Susanoo’s Tale: From Exile to Hero, The Defeat of Yamata no Orochi, and His Marriage to Kushinadahime

Explore the legendary story of Susanoo’s exile from Takamagahara, his heroic defeat of Yamata no Orochi, and his heartfelt union with Kushinadahime. A journey of redemption and newfound purpose.
エピソード3-2: 天岩戸の伝説:アマテラスの隠れと神々の計略

日本の神話を紙芝居で! 第3-2章:天岩戸の伝説:アマテラスの隠れと神々の計略 The Legend of Ama-no-Iwato: How the Gods Restored Light to the World

"Discover the captivating story of Amaterasu hiding in the Ama-no-Iwato cave, the darkness that engulfed the world, and how the gods worked together to bring her back to restore light and life to the heavens and earth."
エピソード3-1: スサノオの乱暴と高天原の混乱

日本の神話を紙芝居で! 第3-1章:スサノオの乱暴と高天原(たかまがはら)の混乱 ”Susanoo’s Recklessness and the Chaos in Takamagahara”  

"Discover the dramatic tale of Susanoo, the tempestuous god who caused turmoil in Takamagahara, and the divine consequences that led to his banishment. Learn about his emotional struggles and his connection to Amaterasu and the heavens."
エピソード2-4: 禊祓(みそぎばらい)の儀式と三貴子の誕生(アマテラス、スサノオ、ツクヨミ) 

日本の神話を紙芝居で! 第2-4章:禊祓(みそぎばらい)の儀式と三貴子の誕生 The Birth of Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, and Susanoo: A Sacred Mission to Shape the World

Discover the continuation of Izanagi's journey after escaping Yomi. Through the sacred misogi ritual, the Three Noble Children—Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, and Susanoo—are born, each carrying divine missions to shape and protect the world.
イザナミ: Izanami


Discover Izanami's journey as a central figure in Japanese mythology. From creating Japan to living in Yomi, she shares her favorite things, hobbies, and messages for fans.