

The Moment Heaven and Earth Separated: The Story of Tenchi Kaibyaku

What is Tenchi Kaibyaku?

Tenchi Kaibyaku refers to the Japanese creation myth where heaven and earth were first separated, marking the birth of the world. It is described in both Kojiki and Nihon Shoki as the beginning of Japanese mythology.

From Chaos to Order

At first, the world was a chaotic, formless mass. Over time, the lighter elements rose to form heaven, while the heavier elements sank to create earth. This separation set the stage for the emergence of gods and the creation of the Japanese islands.

The First Gods

The first gods, known as Kotoamatsukami, emerged during this process. These deities included Ame-no-Minakanushi, Takamimusubi, and Kamimusubi, representing the beginning of divine existence in Japanese mythology.

The Significance of Tenchi Kaibyaku

This myth reflects the Japanese respect for nature and balance, as well as their belief in the divine origin of the world. It continues to influence Japanese culture and traditions to this day.

