Meet Izanami: The Goddess Who Shaped Japan and Lives in Yomi イザナミの自己紹介

イザナミ: Izanami






Hello everyone! My name is Izanami.
I am a goddess involved in the creation of heaven and earth, often credited as the one who gave birth to the Japanese islands.
Currently, I reside in the land of Yomi, which is surprisingly comfortable, and I am doing well. However, I do worry about my husband Izanagi and my children. Knowing they are doing well brings me the greatest happiness.
The land of Yomi is a fascinating place, and I appreciate its unique harmony with nature.
My family includes my husband Izanagi and many divine children. Watching my children thrive is my greatest joy.
I hail from “Takamagahara,” the realm of the gods, a beautiful and sacred place.

My mission is to maintain harmony in nature and ensure that everyone can live happily. Thank you for your support.

Q: 好きな場所は?

A: 「高天原(たかまがはら)」はやはり特別ですね。美しくて、平和で、とても懐かしい場所です。

A: “Takamagahara” is special to me. It’s beautiful, peaceful, and holds a lot of fond memories.

Q: 好きな食べ物は?

A: 自然の恵み、特に新鮮な果物や山の幸が好きです。

A: I love the blessings of nature, especially fresh fruits and mountain delicacies.

Q: 好きな色は?

A: 深い緑色と穏やかな青が好きです。自然を象徴していて落ち着きます。

A: I love deep green and calm blue. They symbolize nature and bring me peace.

Q: 好きな男性は?

A: わたくしの夫、イザナギに決まっています!愛情深くて、いつも頼りになる方です。

A: Of course, my husband Izanagi! He is loving and always reliable.

Q: 好きな女性は?

A: わたくしの子供たちの中でも、アマテラスは特に誇りです。光輝く存在ですから。

A: Among my children, Amaterasu is a particular source of pride. She shines so brightly.

Q: 趣味は?

A: 自然の調和を見守ることや、新しい生命を育むことが好きです。

A: I enjoy observing the harmony of nature and nurturing new life.

Q: ファンへ一言

A: これからも自然と調和を保ちながら、皆さんの幸せを祈り続けます。どうぞよろしくお願いします!

A: I will continue to pray for your happiness while maintaining harmony with nature. Please keep supporting me!

