Ōkuninushi’s Self-Introduction | The God of Nation-Building in Japanese Mythology オオクニヌシの自己紹介 | 日本神話の国造りの神







Hello, I’m Ōkuninushi, known as the “God of Nation-Building” in Japanese mythology.
I overcame jealousy and trials from other gods, created a prosperous land, and helped shape Japan’s foundation.
I am well-known for the tale of the “White Rabbit of Inaba,” where I helped a distressed rabbit and earned the love of humans.
My time was during the ancient creation era, when Japan was being shaped by the gods.
I mainly operated in the Yamato and Izumo regions but had influence across Japan.
Eventually, I handed over the land to Takemikazuchi after negotiations with heavenly gods, paving the way for the divine descendants to rule.

My role was to shape the land and create a safe and prosperous nation. Even now, my commitment to peace remains unwavering.
Though I stepped back after the land transfer, I continue to watch over Japan’s earth and its people.

Q: 好きな食べ物は?

A: 山菜や川魚など自然の恵みそのものが好きです。特に炭火で焼いた魚が最高です。

A: I love nature’s gifts, like wild vegetables and river fish. Grilled fish over charcoal is the best!

Q: 好きな生き物は?

A: ウサギが好きです。「因幡の白兎」の物語で助けた縁もあり、大切な存在です。

A: I love rabbits. They’re special to me because I helped one in the story of the “White Rabbit of Inaba.”

Q: 普段は何をしているか?

A: 自然を巡り、大地が豊かで平和であることを見守っています。

A: I travel through nature, ensuring the land remains rich and peaceful.

Q: 好きな人は?

A: 妻のスセリヒメが一番大切です。信頼できる素晴らしい女性です。

A: My wife, Suserihime, is the most important to me. She’s a trustworthy and wonderful woman.

Q: 嫌いな人は?

A: 他人を妬んで悪事を働く人が苦手ですね。八十神のような存在です。

A: I dislike people who act out of jealousy, like the eighty gods.

Q: 好きな色は?

A: 緑や茶色など、自然を感じさせる色が好きです。

A: I like green and brown—colors that remind me of nature.

Q: ファンに一言

A: 自然を大切にして、平和な心を忘れずに。これからも応援よろしくお願いします!

A: Cherish nature and maintain a peaceful heart. Thank you for your continued support!

