

日本の神話を紙芝居で! 第4-8章:オオクニヌシと国譲りの後の生活

エピソード4-7: 国譲りの決断:タケミカヅチとの交渉 :Episode 4-7: The Decision to Yield the Nation: Negotiation with Takemikazuchi

日本の神話を紙芝居で! 第4-7章:オオクニヌシ国譲りの決断:タケミカヅチとの交渉

エピソード4-6: オオクニヌシと国譲り :Episode 4-6: Ōkuninushi’s Life After Nation Transfer

日本の神話を紙芝居で! 第4-6章:オオクニヌシの国譲り:アメノトリフネとの交渉

エピソード4-5: ヤガミヒメの別れと木俣神の誕生 :Episode 4-5: The Tragic Farewell of Yakami-hime and the Birth of Kimata-no-Kami

日本の神話を紙芝居で! 第4-5章:ヤガミヒメの別れ:母としての選択 Yagami-hime’s Journey: From Heartbreak to a New Beginning with Kimata-no-Kami

Discover the moving tale of Yagami-hime as she leaves her love, raises Kimata-no-Kami, and forges a new path filled with love, resilience, and divine purpose in the land of Inaba.
エピソード4-4: オオクニヌシとヤガミヒメとスセリヒメ Episode 4-4: Ōkuninushi, Yagami-hime, and Suseri-hime

日本の神話を紙芝居で! 第4-4章:ヤガミヒメの愛とスセリヒメの愛 ”Yagamihime’s Decision: The Strength to Let Go”

"Explore the emotional story of Yagamihime as she makes the ultimate sacrifice for love, stepping aside to let Ōkuninushi and Suserihime build a future together. A tale of courage, love, and inner strength."
エピソード4-3: オオクニヌシとスサノオの試練 Chapter 4-3: Ōkuninushi and the Trials of Susanoo

日本の神話を紙芝居で! 第4-3章:オオクニヌシとスサノオの試練 “Okuninushi’s Return: Trials, Love, and a Tale of Two Princesses”

"Explore the dramatic story of Okuninushi as he faces trials in Ne-no-Katasu-Kuni, finds love with Suserihime, and returns to Izumo to confront his complex relationships with Yagami-hime and Suserihime."
エピソード4-2: オオクニヌシとスセリヒメの出会い :Episode 4-2: The Encounter of Okuninushi and Suserihime

日本の神話を紙芝居で! 第4-2章:オオクニヌシとスセリヒメの出会い Okuninushi and Suserihime: A Fateful Encounter

Explore the epic tale of Okuninushi's journey to the mysterious Ne-no-Katasu-kuni, his trials set by Susanoo, and his fateful encounter with Suserihime. Discover the timeless legend of resilience, love, and divine trials.
エピソード4-1: 因幡の白兎とオオクニヌシの話 :Episode 4-1: The Tale of the White Rabbit and Okuninushi

日本の神話を紙芝居で! 第4-1章:国譲りの物語:因幡の白兎とオオクニヌシ:愛の始まり Ōkuninushi’s Journey of Trials: A Tale of Jealousy, Courage, and Destiny

Follow the tale of Ōkuninushi as he embarks on a dangerous journey to Ne-no-Katasu, facing trials set by his jealous brothers. Will he overcome the challenges and prove his worth?